757-452-6200 moc.rolyattsao@ofni
Veterans Benefits
Virginia Veterans Benefits lawyers. We honor your service with ours.


Veterans Benefits

As a Veteran, you provided years of time, effort, and service in performing the duties that protect our freedom. Oast & Taylor’s team of professional attorneys are committed to helping ensure that you benefit from programs offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs that provide pension benefits for eligible veterans and their surviving spouses to help offset the cost of long-term care.

Specifically, these non-service connected pension benefits—commonly referred to as Aid and Attendance—are provided to assist with recurring, unreimbursed medical expenses such as assisted living or home health care.



Eligibility for these benefits is determined by a number of factors, including financial eligibility, discharge status, service-related disabilities, and service during wartime. You can depend on Oast & Taylor to assess your situation individually and provide you with a comprehensive overview of how best to maximize your benefits while minimizing their effects on your assets and income.

We Can Help

Do you have questions about your VA benefits, eligibility or claims? Click here to submit an online request and we will be happy to discuss your needs and concerns.


Here are some items that may be helpful in your planning. If you need additional help, please contact us.

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What is Veterans Benefits Planning?

By Sandra Smith

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We are here to help you with legal questions. Get started today!

A Note for Advisors

Please note that the law firm of Oast & Taylor is in one business only – that of representing our clients in elder law matters. Oast & Taylor is not in the investment or brokerage business. We do not have a financial services firm. We have no alternative agendas.

We look forward to collaborating with you in order to meet the needs of a client who is seeking investment advice.