757-452-6200 moc.rolyattsao@ofni
Long-term Care Planning
Trusted Virginia Long-term Care Planning attorneys. When things change quickly, we have a plan.


Long-term Care Planning

When a parent or loved one has a significant medical event, there are many decisions to be made and planning that needs to occur prior to discharge from the hospital. You may suddenly find yourself having to make very important and costly decisions, and making those decisions rather quickly. Oast & Taylor is available to meet with you and can work quickly to help you establish a comprehensive Long-term Care Plan that balances financially sound advice with the quality of care your loved one requires. We can help you develop a solution that will give you peace of mind during a stressful time.

You will likely be overwhelmed with long-term care horror stories (“The nursing home will take mom’s house!”) and conflicting advice. Let the professionals at Oast & Taylor cut through the noise and provide you with clear, straightforward, and accurate advice.


Benefits of a Long-term Care Plan

A Long-term Care Plan can:

  • Provide a plan for the payment of your loved one’s long-term care needs
  • Protect the assets of your loved one
  • Establish and provide a means for security for his or her spouse
  • Preserve and maintain a legacy for children and grandchildren

Oast & Taylor can help you to:

  • Establish a plan to preserve and maximize efficient spending
  • Review and balance personal assets and maximize other avenues to offset private payment
  • Evaluate eligibility for other sources of payment, such as:
    • Long-term care insurance
    • Medicare
    • Medicaid
    • Veterans Benefits

We Can Help

Responding quickly is the best course of action in keeping private payment to a minimum. Our commitment to Elder Law and senior expertise gives us a platform from which we can assist you with any concerns you may have.

Are you interested in discussing an existing Long-term Care Plan or the possibility of establishing one for yourself or family member? Click here to submit an online request and we will be happy to discuss your needs and concerns.


Here are some items that may be helpful in your planning. If you need additional help, please contact us.

What is Long-Term Care Planning?

By Sandra Smith

Request a No-Obligation Appointment

We are here to help you with legal questions. Get started today!

A Note for Advisors

Please note that the law firm of Oast & Taylor is in one business only – that of representing our clients in elder law matters. Oast & Taylor is not in the investment or brokerage business. We do not have a financial services firm. We have no alternative agendas.

We look forward to collaborating with you in order to meet the needs of a client who is seeking investment advice.