Special Needs Planning
When you are the parent or caretaker of someone with special needs, there are multiple roles you assume at any given time. At times, these roles can become overwhelming and seemingly unending. At Oast & Taylor, we are committed to helping our clients bring balance to those roles, and can provide assistance in navigating the multi-dimensional needs of a special needs individual to ensure and enhance quality of life.
- Assisting special needs families with healthcare and public benefits
- Providing counsel on Estate Planning for the family members of an individual with special needs
- Providing counsel and advocacy on financial, medical and social needs
- Counsel and planning for transitional services for special needs children approaching adulthood, including Estate Planning and the possible need for Guardianship and Conservatorship
Oast & Taylor can assist you with the establishment of a Special Needs Trust (SNT). There are several types of Special Needs Trusts that can be used to enhance the quality of life of a family member with special needs without affecting their eligibility for public benefits. These include:
- 3rd Party SNT – a trust agreement established and funded by a parent, guardian or other donor for the care of the family member.
- 1st Party SNT – a trust established when a disabled individual inherits money or receives funds from an award or settlement of a lawsuit using the individual’s funds. The trust may be created by a parent, grandparent, guardian, or court.
- Pooled SNT Account – A Pooled Special Needs Trust is run by a nonprofit association, and a separate account is maintained for each individual beneficiary. All accounts are pooled for investment and management purposes. The trust (or more accurately, an account in the pooled trust) may be created by a parent, grandparent, guardian, or court, and it can also be created by the disabled individual himself.
We Can Help
Do you have questions about Special Needs Planning or resources? Click here to submit an online request and we will be happy to discuss your needs and concerns.
Here are some items that may be helpful in your planning. If you need additional help, please contact us.
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